Thursday, August 18, 2011

Shiba kokan, whom you perhaps know as an artist and printmaker of some renown, possessed a no lesser attribute, although perhaps not so widely known, that being his ability in the art of crafting with words. For example:
One branch full-laden
With thy blossoms I must own
O flow’ring plum tree.
Now, there is a story behind this lovely verse, which has very little to do with tea at all, but which I think you will find most entertaining:
Long ago, there was a man named Mine Genwa, who happened to be the tea master to the lord of Izumo. One day, as he was walking through the countryside, as was his habit, he came upon a most beautiful plum tree, in full bloom, growing in the garden of a local farmer. Because he was a man of some sensitivity, as you might expect, he decided to stop there for quite a while in front of it, enjoying its beauty and fragrance. After a while, he said to the famer, “I would like to buy this tree.” A bit surprised, and perhaps also a bit amused, the famer at first refused to sell it, but in the end, when Genwa had offered him a very large sum, he at last relented.
With the deal concluded, Genwa departed, but early the next morning, he was back again, this time with food and sake, and proceeded to sit down and enjoy himself under the plum tree he had purchased. While he was enjoying his repast, the farmer happened by and told Genwa that he would carefully dig up the tree the next day, so as not to damage any of its roots, and then have it delivered to his house.
“Oh, no, no!” exclaimed Genwa. I do not want that at all. Please allow it to remain exactly where it is.”
“Well, Master,” replied the farmer, “at least allow me to bring you the fruit from your tree when it is ripe.”
“Thank you for such an offer,” said Genwa. “However, I have no use for the fruit. Please take whatever fruit you desire and enjoy it yourself. To be quite honest, all that I desire is to enjoy the beauty of the flowers, and certainly, it would be most unfair to do that, if they belonged to someone else. And so, I bought them.”